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The Story behind 'Eternity'

Writer: Chloe JoyChloe Joy

A collection of 18 original pieces created from my musings of the eternal, unseen things.

View the 'Eternity' Art Collection

I have never felt vulnerable and exposed when sharing my art, until now. The 5 month process behind these 18 pieces has stretched and pushed me out of my comfort zone, as I am sure it has for all of us during this worldwide standstill of life as we know it.

Like many things in my life, I never planned to paint and release an art collection. It was early April that I began playing around more regularly on these canvases I had accumulated (there were 4 that didn't make it to the collection so there was a lot of playing around!) Nationwide restrictions were enforced and coupled with a relationship ending (pun intended), it meant I had a lot more time on my hands.

These pieces echo the process I underwent of taking my eyes off what appears on the surface and learning to fix them on Eternity. As I created, I mused on hope, pain and everlasting love and how these three notions can actually coexist. The lyrics 'Hope is Coming for me' from Brooke Fraser's 'C.S. Lewis Song' reverberated throughout the entire process and ended up on a few of the pieces.

I painted over most of the canvases multiple times; some five times over. I was in no rush; I had no agenda as I painted and pondered, sometimes from sunrise till sunset. The layers often left scars, which are actually my favourite thing about each painting. There is something so intriguing yet intrinsic about scars. To me, the paint scars reflect the beauty the pain of our past can bring and the fresh start offered to us each moment.

These paintings are the result of my inner child finding her voice again. They are my sounding board and part of my healing from unnecessary structures of my inner life; structures that had left multiple scars.

'Scars and Roses'

In many ways, the collection came together as my inner life fell apart. I am still in the process of rewiring faulty ways of thinking; paths of self-betrayal and insecurity that I subconsciously wander down multiple times a day. I'm learning to trust in eternal Love; the One who makes me brave every time I want to hide and disappear from reality. I'm learning to put my hope, not in an outcome or circumstance, but in the eternal truth that I am forever loved and accepted by a God who gave His life for me to be free from fear, shame and guilt.

I hope you find your healing and the truth that you are eternally loved, through these pieces.

Lastly, I wanted this collection to help others find freedom in a physical sense especially. 25% from the sale of each painting goes to support the Zoe Foundation, an organisation dedicated to rescuing children from human trafficking. To learn more:

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your love and support!

Shop the 'Eternity' Art Collection


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